An alle, deren Herz für die
MONGOLEI schlägt
Eine Ausstellung von Fotografien
18. Mai bis 18. Juli 2012
Zum Gedenken an den 850. Jahrestag der Geburt von Dschingis Khan
- Ausstellung
- Vortragsabend
- Filmabend
- MONGOLEI Treffen
- Filmaufnahme
am Freitag, den 18. Mai 2012 um 19:00 Uhr, sind Sie und Ihre Freunde
herzlich eingeladen.
Die Schirmherrschaft wurde vom Präsidenten der Mongolei übernommen.
Mongolei Kultur Kunst Zentrum
Böckhstr. 26 10967 Berlin - Kreuzberg
(U-Bahn 8 Schönleinstr.)
Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag und Samstag 14:00-19:00 Uhr
This exhibition is being presented by
the Organization for the Study of
Diaspora Mongols in cooperation with
ZURAG Gallery. The Organization
the Study of Diaspora Mongols is a Mongolian based nongovernmental
institute, pioneering research and filming expeditions to Mongols who
dispersed during and after the period of the Mongolian Empire. It
documents the history of Diaspora Mongols how these Mongols came to
live in their current location, and how they have preserved their
unique ethnic heritage, including cultural practices, and language.
Since 2002, the Organization for the Study of Diaspora Mongols has been
presenting to the general public, television documentaries, photo
exhibitions and a photo book featuring Mongolian Diaspora communities
and relics in connection with the Mongolian history in around thirty
countries including Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Malaysia, Russia, China.
The Photo exhibition FOR ALL WHO HAVE A HEART FOR MONGOLS was initially
organized in 2010 with the support of the President of Mongolia in
Ulaanbaatar. Later upon invitation displayed at the 4th convent of
World Mongols in Russia. As the extension of these exhibitions a photo
book FOR ALL WHO HAVE A HEART FOR MONGOLS was produced in the
traditional and the Cyrillic Mongolian and in English languages with
the foreword by the president of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences B.
Enkhtuvshin, endorsing its significance in Mongolian historical
At the ZURAG Gallery will be displayed selection from 45000 photographs
shot by researchers and photographers of the Organization for the Study
of Diaspora Mongols, in the past 10 years of 300000 km travel. During
the exhibition there will be events showing the documentary episodes,
meetings with Mongolists and filming these events for the documentary