zurag_programme"ZAZAA" Khurelbaatar Togoontumur
"ZAZAA" Khurelbaatar Togoontumur

"BACHKA.A" Batjargal Anbat
"BACHKA.A" Batjargal Anbat

"AAGAA" Altangerel Baljir
"AAGAA" Altangerel Baljir
Mongolische Nomaden im XXI Jahrhundert
Photography exhibition of IRMUUN
“Mongolia truly Nomadic – Nomads of  XXI century" 

On Saturday 4 December 2010, at 16:00 clock
7. December 2010 to 14. February 2011 ()

Legendary, mysterious, wonderful, beautiful Mongolia ....
Mongolia is a home to various empires known worldwide and is famous for the paleontological findings, Paleolithic rock scripts etc. It is a place where harmony of human and nature has been adequately preserved until the XXI century.  Mongolia is an amazing destination to see virgin nature and there is much more to see.
Nomadic and urban civilization that had co-existed for centuries without assimilating each other. Tolerance towards religious denominations and other ethnicities. These are the key characters of Mongols and this may be the reason why Mongols have kept hospitality, virgin nature, unique culture and traditions.  

If you have never seen great steppes, Altai mountain ranges, snow-capped mountains and nomadic lifestyle of Mongols you would never be able to get through the throat singing, long songs, melodies flowing from two-string musical instrument called Horse head fiddle-  famous throughout the world.  Mongolian intellectuality, Mongolian lifestyle and the country’s nature are all in harmony. You will undoubtedly get exceptional feelings by travelling through this amazing country and by experiencing its lifestyle.

We believe that you would definitely want to travel to Mongolia over and over again after attending this incredible exhibition. 

Studio, Gallery, Mongolia Culture Art Center

Böckhstrasse 26
10967 Berlin

Opening times:
(during exhibitions)
Tuesday to Saturday 14:00-19:00 clock
(Besides opening times by appointment.)

Einladung - urilga                                                taniltsuulga

: On Saturday 4 December 2010
Mongolia truly Nomadic – Mongolische Nomaden im XXI Jahrhundert
Mongolia truly Nomadic – Mongolische Nomaden im XXI Jahrhundert
Mongolia truly Nomadic – Mongolische Nomaden im XXI JahrhundertMongolia truly Nomadic – Mongolische Nomaden im XXI Jahrhundert
Mongolia truly Nomadic – Mongolische Nomaden im XXI Jahrhundert

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---- Нэгэн цагт дэлхийг туурайн төвөргөөнөөр цочируулж Монгол гэдэг нэрийг ертөнцийн чихнээ мөнхөд хоногшуулж чадсан Монгол хүмүүс одоо оюуны урлагаараа ахин довтлон гарч ирэх болтугай!
ZURAG is a Mongolian word. It can mean image, painting, drawing, photography and illustration.

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